Creating Virtual Discussion Spaces with Perusall

Kimberly Jackson, a professor of biochemistry, uses Perusall to enable Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) activities by creating question prompts and having students digitally respond to their peers in groups. Professor Jackson creates question prompts in Perusall and has students digitally respond to their peers in groups.

Digital Resources


Perusall allows instructors to upload assigned material that students can then comment on, respond to each other, and participate in a social learning environment. Perusall can also be used to divide students into smaller groups for collaboration. It works with all LMSes.

A screenshot of Perusall in use.

A helpful introductory video to using Perusall

Digital Enablement

Virtual discussion tools can allow instructors to facilitate student interaction with material in a more engaging way. The ability for live collaboration, visible conversations, and differing communication avenues for multimedia course material can help instructors guide students towards active, engaging discussion and reflection.

Active Learning Peer Collaboration

Implementation Effort:




Use Case:

Assignment Instructional Activity