Using LMS Platforms and Discipline-Specific Digital Tools that Have Peer Assessment Features

Maria Tackett, a professor of statistical science, employs peer assessment as a part of her overall statistics course structure the utilizes a self-created website and a GitHub repo. As a part of students’ main team project, they review other team’s projects and leave feedback directly within GitHub. Dr. Tackett uses GitHub and RStudio so that students leave the course with a resume-enhancing skills-based project to share in the future.

Digital Resources

GitHub Repo Project Example

In Dr. Tackett’s final project, she utilizes peer review. Follow the link to learn more about that activity, and to view the entire project assignment.

Digital Enablement

Digital tools can enable peer assessment by directly connecting the process of assessment to the same space the work was created or submitted in. Many LMS’, like Canvas, have peer review features built in.

Instructional Transparency Peer Collaboration

Implementation Effort:




Use Case:

Assignment Assessment Formative